Frequently Asked Questions


Which movie Theaters can I buy tickets for ?

How does online booking of movie tickets work ?

How many days in advance can I book my tickets ?

Why don"t I see any shows for the next few days.?

When does online booking close for a show?

Why do you need my Email address and Phone number?

What is a reservation code ?

How do I collect my tickets ?

Do I need my credit card for collecting tickets ?

How many seats can I book ?

What forms of payment do you accept ?

What do i need to carry to see the movie using my Online booking?

How about refunds/ cancellation/ change of reservation of tickets ?

What is family booking?

What do film ratings mean ?

Do I need to buy tickets for children?

Do you store my credit card information?

Do I need to create an account in your system?

What are the advantages of creating an online account?

I am interested in an upcoming movie. When can i book tickets for the movie ?

What if I have booked the ticket for today and came to watch the movie tomorrow (No Show)?

Which movie Theaters can I buy tickets for ?

How does online booking of movie tickets work ?

How many days in advance can I book my tickets ?

Why don"t I see any shows for the next few days.?

When does online booking close for a show?

Why do you need my Email address and Phone number?

What is a reservation code ?

How do I collect my tickets ?

Do I need my credit card for collecting tickets ?

How many seats can I book ?

What forms of payment do you accept ?

What do i need to carry to see the movie using my Online booking?

How about refunds/ cancellation/ change of reservation of tickets ?

What is family booking?

What do film ratings mean ?

Do I need to buy tickets for children?

Do you store my credit card information?

Do I need to create an account in your system?

What are the advantages of creating an online account?

I am interested in an upcoming movie. When can i book tickets for the movie ?

What if I have booked the ticket for today and came to watch the movie tomorrow (No Show)?


What is ?

Does Q-tickets own or operate the cinemas ?

Who can I talk to regarding partnerships and other business opportunities ?

What is ?

Does Q-tickets own or operate the cinemas ?

Who can I talk to regarding partnerships and other business opportunities ?


What is the cost of a movie ticket?

Why do you charge a fee for each ticket ?

How refund will made in case of iPAY?

What is the cost of a movie ticket?

Why do you charge a fee for each ticket ?

How refund will made in case of iPAY?


I need help ! Who do I contact ?

I need help ! Who do I contact ?


How to use E-voucher?

How to use E-voucher?